Every year I notice the lack of light and it affects my mood. This year I found the solution to remedy this with the Luminette. The advantage is that you are not stuck in front of a screen while you use it, so and you can get ready in the morning or eat breakfast with the glasses on. It is very practical :)

4 March 2021

I use Luminettes since the beginning of October 2020 to deal with my Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). So far, I have no symptoms of SAD, despite the time changing (winter time) and the sun disappearing at 4:30 PM. It is a first. I am amazed.my energy level has increased and I feel free and joyous most of the time. I also sleep much better. I must add that I stopped caffeine, which helps as well. Luminettes are far, far better than the lamps. I wear them every morning without being obliged to stare at the lamp. My mood has really improved. They are very convenient and easy to use. I put them onto the top of my glasses. They recharge easily and they can be used without plugging them every day. Everyone who sees me wearing them (when I attend online meetings, when I go to the dentist, etc) are asking me if it works. People think it is pretty and they are very interested because they always have someone in their family with SAD, or they are afflicted by that disorder themselves. So really, no complaints, only good things to say about my Luminettes which are as precious now as my cell phone. Merci!

21 December 2021

Excellent light therapy glasses. I use them every morning when I wake up. I have been suffering from seasonal depression for several years, but thanks to Luminettes I have been feeling the effects of my mood disorders much less in autumn and winter. I use them from mid-fall until the end of March. I used to have a light therapy lamp, but it was quite restrictive to stay in front of it all the time. With my Luminettes I can go about my business without any problem. I am very satisfied!

21 December 2021

Every year, the coming of autumn for me means depression, tiredness, long sleeps and and exhaustion in the afternoon! I spoke about it to the doctor who advised me to try the Luminette. I decided to buy it and use it every morning. So , I eat my breakfast with the Luminette on, without any discomfort, for 20 minutes. It allows me to move around and see what I'm doing, unlike the old devices that stayed on the table, and which, according to the studies carried out, were useless because the luminosity of the the leds did not come from higher than head level and thus did not reach the eye's sensors... Now, I feel fit and healthy during the day, and if during winter I feel tired after lunch, I do a I do a session again. This way, my body stops producing melatonin and my energy comes back, I feel better about myself and I'm in a better mood!

21 December 2021

I have fibromyalgia, major sleep problems, and an obvious lack of energy when the sun goes away. My neurologist recommended your glasses. I am delighted, I have more energy, but unfortunately this does not affect my pain. But since I'm in better shape, I think it's really great! Autumn and winter no longer scare me thanks to these glasses. I am ready to face them! I really recommend it and I can't stop talking about it to everyone around me.

21 December 2021

I was prescribed it by my neurologist for my sleep disorders and epilepsy, and now I can't do without it anymore. The fact that they are glasses is very practical because you can do things (like brushing your teeth, eating lunch, reading or even starting work). start working). They are delivered with a very practical cover for storage and/or for travelling. I just don't recommend using them in a dark room.

21 December 2021

After 5 days of using my luminette, I already feel better... Try it and you'll never stop using it. I've been wearing it for 3 years in autumn for 20 minutes a day ... while having breakfast

21 December 2021

I am very happy with the luminette! (I have the luminette 3). I have better sleep cycles and they help me to wake up in the morning (as well as a coffee). Plus they are easy to wear. Every morning I tell myself that I did the right thing by buying them! I recommend them!

21 December 2021

I am delighted with model 2. The Luminette is easy to use and allows me to be active in the morning and makes it easier to fall asleep. My neurologist gave me good advice! I will probably switch to model 3 in the future...

21 December 2021

I have had my luminettes 3 since March 2020 and I can't do without them anymore, they are perfect or jet lag or sleep disorders.

21 December 2021

I have had them for a year now. They were recommended to me by my therapist, and I feel a real improvement in my mood and fatigue.

21 December 2021

I have been suffering from seasonal depression for years, so I decided to try light therapy to compensate for the lack of winter sunshine, and I chose the "glasses" model for the convenience of being able to do my morning routine and not having to stay glued to a light panel. The results were quick, the usual sluggishness and general tiredness have almost disappeared and and another benefit that I had not foreseen was that my tendency to have trouble falling asleep in the evening vanished too, probably due to a readjustment of the circadian rhythm... All in all, it's an investment, but I don't regret it at all, and my wife has also started using it too!

21 December 2021
Andi Philip

I had a small Phillips light box previously, and it was a hassle to sit at the right angle, distance, and time. With these, I don’t have to worry about any of those things. I just put them on, push the button, and wear them until they turn off. Easy to use whether I’m wearing my glasses or contacts. Also, these don’t give me headaches like the Phillips light box did! We have almost 4 people in my household wearing these every day — I will be buying a second pair soon! (Two of us have sleep past disorder and everyone seems to get a mood boost!)

21 December 2021

You should do this as soon as you get up, the Luminette is quickly forgotten and you can go about your business. From the very first time you use it, you'll quickly feel more awake and the mid-morning or afternoon slumps disappear quickly. Really impressed.

21 December 2021

I have been a user for more than ten years... the luminette has always helped me to get "balanced" during my night or early morning shifts at work ... you feel better very quickly. Reliable product and easy to use.

21 December 2021

I bought the Luminette to help me fight the winter blues. I use it every morning when I get up. What I like about the Luminette is that I can choose the length of the session (20, 30 or 60 minutes) depending on my availability, and that I can go about my business during the session (no need to stay in front of a lamp placed on the table). After a few days of use, I already noticed the result: no more depression on grey and rainy days. Over time, I have felt less tired and have more energy. I really recommend the Luminette.

21 December 2021

For years, I have suffered from seasonal depression. I have been advised by health professionals (general practitioner, psychiatrist, psychologist and pharmacist) have advised me to use light therapy to improve my state in the fall and winter. I hesitated for a long time and then I discovered the Luminette. I use it in the morning, either while going about my business (breakfast, brushing my teeth brushing...) or when I'm reading. After the session, I have much more energy and motivation to face the day. It is very practical because it can be worn at the same time as my glasses or computer glasses. They are made of a rather rigid plastic, but they seem to be strong. They charge quite quickly. A charging indicator lets you know when it is finished. Once charged, they can be used about 10 times. There are 3 modes. The more powerful the light, the shorter the exposure time. What is very practical is that you don't have to watch the time because they turn off by themselves once the the session is over. The only small "downside" is that the most powerful mode can be glaring when the surrounding light is weak. I would recommend this product without hesitation, since it gives me a real moral boost during short days.

21 December 2021
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