Best Light Color For Sleep

by Eric Delloye — Опубликовано в Luminette

Struggling to get a good night's sleep? The color of the light in your bedroom might be the key to a restful slumber. In this blog post, we'll explore the best light color for sleep to help you create a sleep-friendly environment. Homeowners and sleep enthusiasts, read on to discover how different light colors impact your sleep and learn practical tips to enhance your nightly rest.

What is the Best Light Color for Sleep?

When it comes to creating an optimal sleep environment, choosing the right light color is crucial. Scientific studies have shown that certain light colors can either hinder or promote sleep. The best light color for sleep is typically one that mimics the natural evening light, such as warm yellow or soft orange hues, helping your body wind down and prepare for rest. These colors are less likely to interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

Importance of Light in Sleep Regulation

Light plays a significant role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm. This internal clock is influenced by the presence and absence of light, signaling to your body when it's time to wake up and when it's time to go to sleep. Exposure to the wrong type of light at night can disrupt this cycle, leading to poor sleep quality and overall health issues. For instance, bright and cool-toned lights can trick your brain into thinking it's daytime, making it harder to fall asleep at night.

Blue Light

How Does Blue Light Affect Sleep Quality?

Blue light, emitted by electronic devices and many LED lights, is particularly notorious for its negative impact on sleep. It reduces the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. According to a study by Harvard Medical School, blue light exposure before bedtime can delay sleep onset and reduce sleep quality. Therefore, it's best to limit exposure to blue light in the evening. Using features like "night mode" on your devices or investing in blue light-blocking glasses can help mitigate these effects. Additionally, opting for dim, warm-colored lighting in your living spaces during the evening can further ensure a good night's sleep.

Effects of Different Light Colors on Sleep Quality

Different light colors can have varying effects on your sleep quality. It is essential to understand how each of these colors influences your circadian rhythm and overall sleep patterns. By being mindful of your bedroom's lighting, you can create an environment conducive to better rest. In the following sections, we will delve into how various hues, from cool blues to warm yellows, impact sleep and provide guidance on choosing the right light for your nighttime routine.

Blue Light

Blue light is commonly found in screens, digital devices, and some energy-efficient lighting. While it can boost alertness and cognitive function during the day, it inhibits melatonin production at night. Reducing blue light exposure in the evening is essential for better sleep.

Red Light

Red light is considered the least disruptive to sleep. Studies suggest that red light may even improve sleep quality by promoting melatonin production. This is why red light is often recommended for use in bedrooms.

Green Light

Green light affects sleep in a way similar to blue light but with less intensity. It can still delay melatonin production and disturb sleep if used excessively before bedtime. However, moderate exposure to green light during the day can help regulate your circadian rhythm.

Yellow Light

Yellow light is more soothing than blue and green lights. It creates a warm and relaxing atmosphere, making it a better choice for evening lighting. Yellow light exposure before bedtime can help ease the transition to sleep.

White Light

White light, especially bright white light, can be quite stimulating. It contains a mix of all visible light colors, including blue light, which can suppress melatonin production. It's best to avoid bright white lights before bedtime to ensure a restful sleep.

Recommended Light Colors for Better Sleep

Now that we've explored the effects of different light colors, it's time to determine the best light color for sleep. Experts recommend using warm, yellow tones in your bedroom and living spaces during the evening. These hues mimic the natural light at sunset, signaling to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for rest.

For a truly sleep-friendly environment, invest in dimmable lights or use bedside lamps with warm bulbs. This will allow you to adjust the lighting intensity according to your needs throughout the night. You can also consider using candles or salt lamps in warm tones as an alternative to artificial lighting.

Devices Emit blue light

Tips for Using Light to Improve Sleep Quality

Getting the right type of light exposure is a simple yet effective strategy to enhance your sleep quality. By making mindful choices about the lighting in your home, especially in the evening and before bedtime, you can significantly improve your chances of enjoying a restful night's sleep. In this section, we will provide practical tips for using light to your advantage, helping you create a sleep-friendly environment that promotes relaxation and well-being. Whether you're adjusting your existing lighting setup or investing in new fixtures, these recommendations will guide you towards better sleep with the right lighting choices.

  1.  Dim the Lights : Lower the brightness of your lights as bedtime approaches to signal to your body that it's time to wind down.
  2.  Use Warm Light Bulbs : Opt for light bulbs that emit warm, red, or yellow light in your bedroom.
  3.  Limit Screen Time : Reduce exposure to screens at least an hour before bed, or use blue light filters on your devices.
  4.  Create a Bedtime Routine : Establish a consistent routine that includes dimming the lights and engaging in relaxing activities to prepare your body for sleep.

Solutions for Sleep Improvement - Luminette Light Therapy Glasses

For those looking to improve their sleep quality, Luminette offers innovative solutions such as light therapy glasses and lamps. These products are designed to provide the right kind of light at the right time, helping regulate your sleep-wake cycle and enhance overall well-being. The light therapy glasses are portable and easy to use, making them convenient for individuals who are always on the go. They emit a blue-enriched white light that can help improve mood and energy levels during the day.

The Luminette lamps, on the other hand, are perfect for home or office use. They offer adjustable brightness settings to cater to your specific needs, whether you need bright light therapy to improve daytime alertness or warm light to prepare for sleep. The lamps are designed with user-friendly features and can be integrated seamlessly into your daily routine. With Luminette’s range of products, you can take a proactive approach to managing your sleep and overall health.

Tips for Better Sleep

Luminette 3 light therapy glasses are innovative eyeglasses designed to allow you to enjoy a light therapy session while engaging in your regular activities.  Unlike traditional therapy lamps, Luminette 3 eyeglasses feature an artificial light source that directs a safe light beam into your eyes without causing any dazzling effect or obstructing your clear vision.

To use them, simply wear the eyeglasses and press a button to activate the light, and your phototherapy session begins. These glasses are user-friendly and compatible with those who wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, ensuring no disruption to vision or comfort.

With the convenience of Luminette 3, there is no longer a need to sit beside a stationary light therapy lamp for 30 minutes each day. The freedom to move around means you can prepare breakfast, dive into a captivating book, catch up on your favorite TV shows, work on your computer tasks, or even engage in light exercises, all while receiving your therapeutic light exposure. Whether you're at home or on the go, Luminette 3 offers a flexible and efficient solution to incorporate light therapy into your daily life.


Choosing the right light color can significantly impact your sleep quality. By understanding how different light colors affect your body and adopting practical tips for better lighting, you can create a sleep-friendly environment that promotes restful nights and energized days. Remember, red and yellow lights are generally the best choices for evening use.

If you're ready to take your sleep to the next level, consider exploring Luminette's range of light therapy products. Sweet dreams!


Is Green Light Beneficial or Harmful for Sleep?

Green light can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the time of day. During the day, moderate exposure to green light can help regulate your circadian rhythm. However, excessive exposure before bedtime can delay melatonin production and disturb sleep.

Should I Avoid Using White Lights Before Bedtime?

Yes, it's best to avoid bright white lights before bedtime. White light contains blue light, which can suppress melatonin production and disrupt your sleep. Opt for warmer light colors in the evening to promote better sleep quality.

How Can I Use Light Colors to Create a Better Sleep Environment?

To create a better sleep environment, use red or yellow light bulbs in your bedroom. Dim the lights as bedtime approaches, reduce screen time, and establish a consistent bedtime routine that includes relaxing activities.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated with Red Light at Night?

Red light is generally considered safe and non-disruptive to sleep. In fact, it can support melatonin production and improve sleep quality. However, as with any light, it's important not to overexpose yourself.