Benefits of Sunlight and How Light Therapy Can Help

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Benefits of Sunlight and How Light Therapy Can Help

by Eric Delloye — pubblicato in Luminette

Check how sunlight and light therapy can improve your mood, enhance your health, and restore your energy levels. Don't wait—start your journey to a healthier, happier you with the benefits of light therapy today!

Sunlight has long been affiliated with positive emotions and mental well-being. In addition to nourishing our bodies with essential vitamins, boosting our mood, lowering blood pressure, and even regulating our sleep-wake cycles, many people enjoy the feeling of sunlight, and there is rising evidence to support its many health benefits.

But what happens when we don't get enough sunlight, such as during seasons of limited sunshine? Even worse, what can people who live in regions with more dark days than sunshine do?

Sunlight deficiency can lead to several unwanted mental and physical health experiences, including low energy, feelings of deep sadness, and a deficiency in vitamin D.

To prevent such unwanted conditions, exposing yourself to a special kind of artificial light that mimics the Sun for a timed period can improve your physical and mental state. This light exposure session is otherwise known as light therapy.

In this post, we'll explore the key benefits of sunlight, how light therapy mimics these effects, and how you can use it to feel your best.

Overview of sunlight and its importance

The Sun is our most important energy source, providing everything we need to support life on Earth. From promoting the growth of plants to keeping us warm, sunlight is critical to life.

Although the widespread awareness that excessive sun exposure can cause skin cancer has caused people to be cautious about spending time in the Sun, getting your daily Sun dose is just as important as enjoying its many health benefits.

What are the physical benefits of sunlight?

Aids in vitamin D production

When you expose yourself to sunlight, your body triggers the production and absorption of vitamin D through the skin. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that helps maintain healthy bones and lessens the risk of heart disease, weight gain, and various skin cancers.

Boosts the immune system

While sunlight triggers vitamin D synthesis, a study found that sunlight, through a mechanism separate from vitamin D production, energises T cells that play a central role in human immunity.

Vitamin D is also critical for your immune system. The report suggests that this new mechanism may explain some of the roles attributed to vitamin D in immunity. The study specifically discovered that low levels of blue light in sun rays cause T-cells to move faster.

Enhances bone health

As we already mentioned, the Sun triggers vitamin D production in our body, which is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals work closely together to keep our bones and teeth strong.

What are the mental health benefits of sunlight?

Helps in mood regulation

Scientific studies support the idea that sunlight directly influences our mood. More recent research has suggested a positive link between sunlight exposure and mental health.

One reason is that exposure to sunlight increases serotonin production in the body. Serotonin, a natural mood booster, helps regulate mood and energy levels, can stave off low mood, and provides a feeling of euphoria. Low serotonin levels in the brain are thought to contribute to feelings of deep sadness.

If you suspect your serotonin levels are low, getting more sunshine or exposing yourself to bright light, like Luminette Portable Light Therapy Lamp, which replicates the Sun's UV rays, can help you increase serotonin levels and improve mood naturally without needing direct sunlight.

Reduces stress and anxiety

One of the primary benefits of sunlight in the morning is its role in helping to regulate our internal body clock and boost a relaxed state.

Furthermore, exposure to sunlight can stimulate the production of endorphins, a hormone focused on stress relief and pain relief, while reducing stress hormones like cortisol.

If you are feeling stressed and want something to help limit your body's reaction to stress, try walking or exercising outside to increase hormone production.

However, during seasons of limited sunshine, such as winter, incorporating light therapy into your daily routine can help you experience reduced stress and a greater sense of calm so that you can persistently cope with everyday life.

Related reading: What Is Sleep Anxiety and Why Does It Happen? Understanding and Managing Your Symptoms.

Combats winter blues

Decreased exposure to sunlight can dip your serotonin levels, which can make you prone to wintertime sadness, a form of prolonged sadness brought on by the changing seasons.

On the other hand, increased exposure to natural daylight may help ease the symptoms of winter blues.

Due to the connection between decreased sun exposure and winter blues, light therapy is one of the main treatments for them.

Devices such as Light therapy glasses mimic natural sunlight to incite the brain to make serotonin and reduce excess melatonin.

They provide an easy and effective way to combat winter blues by delivering artificial sunlight to the body, boosting mood and energy levels during the darker months.

What are the potential risks of sunlight deficiency?

Some of the most common potential risks of not receiving adequate sunlight include vitamin D deficiency, weakened immune system, winter blues, low mood, and poor sleep quality.

Without enough sunlight, the body struggles to regulate its internal processes effectively, leading to feelings of fatigue, irritability, and even long-term health problems.

How light therapy mimics sunlight

Sunlight exposure is not limited to the Sun only. This is good news, especially for darker, colder seasons or regions with darker days than sunshine, because it means you can still benefit from light exposure, whether at home or work, using a device that mimics sunlight.

Light therapy is a noninvasive technique that uses bright light to mimic natural sunlight. It can address various issues related to sunlight deficiency, including low energy, mood changes, winter blues, stress, anxiety, and lack of concentration.

What is light therapy?

Light therapy is a type of therapy in which you are exposed to a special kind of light that simulates sunlight. The light exposure is at a specific wavelength and for a prescribed amount of time to treat certain conditions like winter blues, feelings of deep sadness, and poor sleep quality.

You can get the benefits of morning sunlight without spending hours outdoors using specific devices such as Luminette 3 Light Therapy Glasses and Drive Light Therapy Lamp.

Generally, to engage in a light therapy session:

  • Expose yourself to 10,000 lux of light

  • Do it within the first hour of the morning for about 20 to 30 minutes

  • The light should produce as little UV light as possible

  • Position the light about 16 to 24 inches (41 to 61 centimetres) from your face, but follow the manufacturer's instructions about distance

  • You should open your eyes but do not look directly at the light

Types of light therapy devices

Handheld light therapy devices

These types are small and easy to use at home, at work or on the go. Depending on the wavelength of the light they emit, they are designed for localised treatment and are ideal for individuals looking for a flexible and easy-to-use option.

Wearable light therapy devices

These are the most common type, emitting a bright light over a large area. They are designed to mirror natural sunlight and are typically used for a set period each day to help control the internal body clock and improve focus and mood.

An example of such is our Luminette 3 Light Therapy Glasses. Unlike other light boxes, which are static, our device can be put on like a pair of glasses. While the light therapy session is in progress, you can go about doing your daily activities, including:

  • Eating breakfast

  • Reading a book

  • Brushing their teeth and more

The Luminette 3 device offers targeted light exposure to the eyes, which keeps you awake and focused.

Light therapy panels

These types are larger than the handheld types and can be positioned to cover larger areas of the body. They are primarily used in professional settings such as clinics and spas and for home use.

Drive light therapy lamp

Drive Light Therapy Lamp, like the handheld light therapy device, can be used on the go and provides the same benefits as Luminette Light Therapy Glasses.

They are both effective in treating feelings of deep sadness and other mood disorders. They are designed to simulate the Sun and are typically used for a set period each day to improve mood.

When choosing a light therapy device, make sure it is one that is designed for the specific therapeutic purpose it is meant for.

For example, if you want to make up for the lack of sunshine during darker seasons, select light therapy lamps that emit a bright, full-spectrum light and filter out potentially damaging UV light.

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Light Therapy Lamp Drive is an innovative light therapy lamp designed for busy individuals, allowing you to conveniently conduct your phototherapy session while on the road.  This device is ingeniously crafted to attach seamlessly to the sun visor of your vehicle. With a simple flip of a switch, it provides an effective light therapy session as you drive to your destination.

For those who find themselves spending at least 20 minutes behind the wheel each day, Drive is a perfect companion, offering a unique solution to integrate wellness into your daily routine. This is especially advantageous for individuals who embark on long night drives, as it helps to counteract the effects of darkness and fatigue.

Drive emits a safe, bright light into your eyes, meticulously designed to enhance your alertness without interfering with your driving. By doing so, it delivers the full spectrum of light therapy benefits, which include regulating the production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, thereby promoting a state of wakefulness and heightened alertness. This makes it not only a functional tool but also a valuable ally in maintaining your overall well-being and mental sharpness during your travels.

How light therapy can improve well-being

Light therapy can help treat winter blues and can also be helpful for major low emotional energy and the feeling of deep sadness that occurs during or after pregnancy, known as perinatal low mood.

According to Dr Richard S. Schwartz, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, "for both seasonal and nonseasonal depression, the effectiveness of light therapy is approximately the same as antidepressant medications or popular forms of psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy." 

Utilising light therapy for specific conditions

Treating winter blues

Winter blues is a type of chronic sadness that generally occurs during winter each year. Light therapy can offer relief.

But as we mentioned, for some people, light therapy may be more effective when combined with another prolonged sadness treatment, such as an antidepressant or talk therapy.

Luminette Light Therapy Glasses are manufactured to deliver a therapeutic dose of bright light to help treat symptoms of winter blues, including moodiness and low energy.

Light therapy for sleep problems

According to studies, an estimated 50 million to 70 million people have ongoing sleep problems. Not getting enough sleep can cause sluggishness, bad moods and excessive sleepiness, reduce work productivity, and increase the risk of accidents and motor vehicle crashes.

Studies also show that not getting enough sleep (less than 7 hours for adults) can increase the risk of obesity by 1.57 times.

Treatments for sleep problems and other sleep disturbances often involve lifestyle modifications. Light therapy has also been shown to be effective in treating sleep problems.

If you have trouble getting good quality sleep, consider incorporating light therapy into your morning routine. For only 20 to 30 minutes a day, you can reset your body's sleep-wake cycle, fall asleep at night easily, and wake up feeling refreshed.

Light therapy for feelings of deep sadness and anxiety

Light therapy can also be effective on other types of feelings of deep sadness, including mild emotional lows and perinatal feelings of deep sadness (a type of sadness that occurs during or after pregnancy).

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a mental state marked by stress, fear, and uneasiness. A person's anxiety can be caused by a variety of circumstances, the majority of which stem from past traumas. Light therapy may help you deal with your anxiety problems.

Light therapy can help people cope with low mood and anxiety by causing their bodies to produce serotonin, which enhances mood for people with chronic sadness.

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Takeaway: Harness the power of light therapy for better well-being

Sunlight is a precious life energy source that is important for the survival of every living thing. It is important not only for plants but also for keeping us warm. Moderate Sun exposure triggers vitamin D production for a stronger immune system and bones. It triggers serotonin production, which helps us stay alert and lively.

Sunlight exposure also helps regulate melatonin and keeps our sleep-wake cycle in check. During seasons of limited sunshine or for people with conditions that cause them to spend more time indoors, light therapy offers a simple and effective way to correct the negative effects of sunlight deficiency.

If you're looking to boost your mood, improve sleep, or enhance your overall well-being, light therapy glasses can provide you with all the sunshine you need. Get our Luminette Light Therapy Glasses today.


What are the primary health benefits of sunlight?

Sunlight is essential for human health and overall well-being. Its health benefits include:

  • Triggering vitamin D production

  • Supporting bone health

  • Lowering blood pressure

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Promoting good mental health

Additionally, sunlight can promote better sleep by signalling the body’s internal clock when it’s time to wake up.

How does sunlight contribute to mental well-being?

Exposure to sunlight induces the brain to release the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is associated with elevating mood and helping you to feel good, calm and focused.

What happens if you don’t get enough sunlight?

The most prevalent consequence of not getting enough Sun is vitamin D deficiency. A deficiency in this vitamin causes your bone density to weaken. Beyond physical effects, inadequate sunlight exposure can lower serotonin levels, contributing to low mood, fatigue, and sleep problems.

Can light therapy replace natural sunlight?

While light therapy cannot provide the full benefits of natural sunshine, it offers a practical alternative when regular sun exposure isn’t possible. Light therapy glasses mimic the effects of sunlight, improving mood, optimising sleep, and helping to maintain a balanced outlook, especially during the darker months or in indoor settings.

How does sunlight help regulate sleep patterns?

Sunlight plays a role in regulating hormones (serotonin and melatonin) that control our sleep cycle. Regular sunlight exposure can improve sleep quality, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.