Chronobiologie ist ein Zweig der Biologie, der sich mit zirkadianen Rhythmen beschäftigt, also den biologischen Rhythmen, die über einen Zyklus von 24 Stunden schwanken.
Diese verschiedenen Rhythmen sind alle miteinander synchronisiert und werden von unserer biologischen Uhr gesteuert, die sich im superchiasmatischen Kern befindet, der wiederum im Hypothalamus unseres Gehirns untergebracht ist.
The biological clock is based on three synchronizers :
Melatonin, also called the “sleep hormone”, which is secreted by
the pituitary gland (which gives information about the alternation of
day/night) and “resets” the body with its environment.
Light (alternation night/day) if it is received by the eye
receptors in a sufficient quantity and if it is made up of good wave
lengths (blue light)
Lastly, social factors (family life, leisure, sports, etc.) also serve as synchronizers.
The main circadian rhythm is the alternation of wake/sleep but other
rhythms exist which vary from day to day : body temperature, our
cortisol level, melatonin secretion, etc...
The body also searches for a temporal balance between itself and the
outside world. When our internal clock is no longer synchronized with
the actual time, a pathological situation follows, of which the
principal symptoms are trouble sleeping, waking up and temperament.
Discover what role light plays on the body
with Roland Pec - sleep specialist and chrono-therapist
The Luminette reproduces the beneficial effects of the sun and stimulates specific receptors, located in the eyes, which activate the energizing response that light has on the body. It will help you to fight against slumps in energy, allowing you to feel more in shape and it will have a regulatory effect on your sleep patterns.