Terapia de luz

Terapia de luz y vitamina D.

La fototerapia a menudo se compara incorrectamente con la secreción de vitamina D. 

De hecho, la vitamina D es sintetizada por las células de la piel cuando éstas están en contacto con los rayos UVB y UVA, que se encuentran naturalmente en la luz solar. Una lámpara de fototerapia, si está certificada, emite una luz cuyo espectro está completamente desprovisto de ultravioleta. 

That is why the skin does not emit vitamin D during a light therapy session.

On the other hand, the exposure of your eyes to a light therapy lamp has beneficial effects on the regulation of your natural rhythms and your energy level.


The Luminette reproduces the beneficial effects of the sun and stimulates specific receptors, located in the eyes, which activate the energizing response that light has on the body. It will help you to fight against slumps in energy, allowing you to feel more in shape and it will have a regulatory effect on your sleep patterns.

What our customers say about Luminette