Quality Sleep: Key to Students' Success

by Eric Delloye — Опубликовано в Luminette

Did you know that poor sleep quality can impact your studies? This is concerning, especially considering that most students deprive themselves of sleep to study or hang out with friends. Exam stress also undermines your body's rest. In this article, you will discover various tips for achieving quality sleep and consequently improving academic success!

Sleep: An Important Factor in Your Studies

Students often suffer from sleep disorders, which diminish their learning and memorization skills. Thus, proper rest is essential for excelling in studies. A good night's sleep prevents loss of brain mass and memory and promotes better concentration.

Quality Sleep for Enhanced Memory

Throughout the day, you accumulate a mass of diverse information (in class, with friends, at home, on the go). During sleep, your brain sorts and memorizes the most important bits. Inadequate sleep or disrupted sleep hampers this memorization phase. That's why we recommend reviewing your lessons before a good night's sleep to retain them better.

Quality Sleep for Sustained Focus

It's obvious that insufficient sleep tires the body out due to a lack of rest. As a result, you may feel drowsy during lessons or study sessions. This lack of concentration is detrimental to effective learning. Your attention is crucial to absorbing the maximum information.

Quality Sleep for Cognitive Enhancement

You've probably woken up with the solution to an exercise that left you stumped the night before, or solved a problem that seemed difficult before you went to sleep. These examples prove that sleep improves thinking and boosts intellectual capacity.

5 Tips for Quality Sleep

Sleep plays an essential role in your academic development, but it can be difficult to get quality sleep under the stress of exams and workload. If you wake up feeling tired or tend to nod off during the day, you're probably suffering from sleep deprivation or poor quality sleep. We've selected 5 tips to help you get quality sleep.

▷ Avoid Long Afternoon Naps

Extending daytime naps can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. When you feel tired, take a short walk outside or relax.

▷ Take Short Breaks

Incorporate regular short breaks into your study routine. After 1 to 2 hours of work, our concentration diminishes. So, after 90 minutes of studying, take a 5 to 10-minute break to refocus. At the end of each lesson, take a moment to relax before starting another. This approach will leave you less fatigued during the day and more ready for sleep at night.

▷ Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule

Going to bed and waking up at approximately the same time each day helps regulate your biological clock. Despite late-night outings on weekends, strive to maintain this practice. If you go to bed very late, make an effort to wake up at your usual time.

▷ Avoid Blue Light in the Evening

If you don't feel tired during your regular rest hours, chatting with friends on social media or watching a movie won't help you fall asleep. On the contrary, the light from your smartphone, PC screen, or television keeps you awake. This blue light is a primary cause of insomnia among students.

We recommend switching your devices to night mode or reading a book to aid in falling asleep. As you might have guessed, light can influence the secretion of the sleep hormone called melatonin.

▷ Try Morning Light Therapy

Morning light therapy is a natural, side-effect-free method that helps resynchronize your biological clock, regulating your sleep phases and combating insomnia through the benefits of light. Light therapy brings several advantages, such as:

Enhanced sleep quality

It's needless to emphasize that many students stay up very late because they can't fall asleep. At a late hour, you've likely sent or received the familiar message: "Are you awake?" Yet, you should already be asleep.

To avoid being awake all night chatting with friends, it's better to sleep earlier and reap the benefits of rejuvenating sleep. We advise engaging in a morning light therapy session upon waking. This practice is necessary to prevent morning drowsiness and sleepiness throughout the day. Regular light therapy realigns your sleep, allowing you to naturally sleep and wake up earlier and more refreshed. You'll no longer feel tired upon waking, and your classroom drowsiness will vanish.

The Luminette: How Does It Work?

The Luminette is a portable light therapy device in the form of glasses. Practical and mobile, you wear the Luminette for 20 to 45 minutes in the morning. During this time, you can prepare breakfast, check your notes and carry out your morning routine.

After 4 to 5 days of use, your sleep patterns will regulate automatically, and you'll get back into your body's natural rhythm.

You now have the best tool for regulating your sleep and getting better results at school.

So, happy back-to-school!