Opdag, hvordan lysterapi kan mindske symptomer på sæsonbestemt affektiv lidelse
Lysterapi behandler jetlag-problemer , også kendt som jetlag, som er resultatet af hurtigt at krydse (normalt med fly) flere tidszoner. Det oversættes til forstyrrelser af det biologiske ur, hvis varighed og intensitet er proportional med antallet af tidszoner. De skadelige virkninger af jetlag mærkes først efter 3 tidszoner. (eksempel: et fly fra Paris - Moskva).
Hvad forårsager jetlag
Årsagen er at krydse flere tidszoner for hurtigt, hvilket ikke tillader det interne ur (biologisk ur) at tilpasse sig den eksterne tid.
Hvordan ved jeg, om jeg lider af jetlag?
De hyppigste symptomer er:
Fysisk træthed
Intellektuel træthed
Humør problemer
Hvordan kan jetlag bekæmpes?
Jetlag er ikke en patologi i ordets strenge forstand. Derfor taler vi ikke om en behandling men derimod en løsning for et bedre velvære. Disse udgør en del af det klassiske værktøj til kronoterapi, nemlig værktøjerne som muliggør resynkronisering af det biologiske ur til dets nye tid. Vi tæller 3 vigtigste "værktøjer", som den rejsende kan bruge til at reducere virkningerne af jetlag: lysterapi, indtagelse af melatonin, undgå lys og søvn.
When should I use the Luminette when I travel?
Traveling across different time zones can disrupt your body's internal clock, leading to feelings of jet lag. To combat this and reset your biological clock more effectively, incorporating the use of your Luminette can be highly beneficial. By following some simple advice, you can adjust up to twice as quickly and make the most of your travel experiences.
During the flight
As soon as you board your flight, set your watch to the time of your destination. This simple action helps to mentally prepare your body for the time zone shift. In addition, staying hydrated is crucial, so be sure to drink lots of water throughout the flight. It’s equally important to limit the consumption of alcohol, coffee, and tea, as these can dehydrate you and disrupt your sleep patterns, making it harder to adjust to the new time zone.
On arrival
Depending on whether you are traveling east or west, your light exposure strategy will differ:
Traveling East: Upon arrival, especially on the first day, aim to avoid sunlight in the morning. This can be achieved by wearing glasses with a blue filter or sunglasses that offer a high degree of protection. This approach helps delay your body's natural sleep cycle, allowing you to adjust to the earlier time zone. In the afternoon, take advantage of the natural light as much as possible to help your body adapt.
Traveling West: After reaching your destination, it is advisable to stay awake during the day, even if you feel tired. This helps your body adjust to the later time zone. Additionally, consider using light therapy at the start of the afternoon, ideally between 12 pm and 3 pm. This exposure to light can help delay sleepiness and align your biological clock with the local time. Once nighttime arrives, try to go to sleep at a reasonable hour to reinforce your new schedule.
By thoughtfully managing your exposure to light and making use of your Luminette, you can minimize the effects of jet lag and enjoy a more comfortable and energetic trip.
Discover what role light plays on the body
with Roland Pec - sleep specialist and chrono-therapist
Luminette gengiver de gavnlige virkninger af solen og stimulerer specifikke receptorer, placeret i øjnene, som aktiverer den energigivende respons, som lyset har på kroppen. Det vil hjælpe dig med at bekæmpe energinedgange, så du kan føle dig mere i form, og det vil have en regulerende effekt på dit søvnmønster.