Shift work effects, in industrial countries, almost 20% of the active population. Light therapy enables the improvement of the workers’ well-being.
This type of work imposes patterns on the workers which are in conflict with their surroundings and their own biological rhythms. This staggered rhythm encourages the occurrence of a succession of problems which often make life difficult and which, in 30% of cases, obligate the night worker to take a provisional or long-term absence.
Why is working at night not good for my body?
The causes are quite obvious: they are forced into the stagged hours imposed by the job which restrict and weaken the body.
How to know if night working has a negative effect on your health
Other that the difficulties in social and family arrangements, night working and shift working deregulates the worker’s biological rhythms, which creates a succession of other problems.
The main problems are those linked to sleep:
- Drowsiness and decrease in alertness during the night shift
- Difficulty going to sleep
- Insufficient and non-restful sleep creating chronic tiredness
Problems linked to sleep are more evident in workers with variable timetales and even more serious if the rotations are long (8 days). Short rotations (2 to 3 days) seem preferable as they do not give the body enough time to change the circadian rhythms (24 hour rhythms).
Discover what role light plays on the body
with Roland Pec - sleep specialist and chrono-therapist